Januar… Kje naj sploh začnem? Naj začnem s pozitivnimi stvarmi. V sredini januarja sem praznovala svoj rojstni dan. Sicer sem v salonu oddelala devet ur, a sem uživala in po koncu dela sta me Chris in Jan peljala na večerjo, pridružil pa se nam je tudi moj fant Jesse. Odpravili smo se v vegansko restavracijo. Bilo je res dobro in res sem uživala. Veseli me, da se moji bližnji razumejo med seboj.

Jesseeeeee in moja rojstnodnevna tortica

Tri dni po mojem rojstnem dnevu pa je imela rojstni dan tudi Jessejeva mami tako, da smo v soboto zvečer odšli v klub proslavit najino staranje.

V januarju pa sem tudi prvič delala pramene na stranki. in to DVAKRAT!

Sicer le T sekcijo, a še vseeno, napredek je. Po decembru se moje učenje nadaljuje. V drugi polovici meseca pa sem ‘spedenala’ lutko, Najprej sem ji naredila pramena po celi glavi, nato postrigla in na koncu še sfenirala. Chris je bil zelo pozitivno presenečen.

Ta mesec je bil poln učenja različnih tehnik barvanja… ustvarjala sem tudi balayage. Skupaj z Janom sva uredila pričesko Chrisovi nečakinji Daphne.

Torej, kot vidite, sem imela mesec poln pridobivanja znanja in novih izkušenj. Imela sem le en problem. V salon je prišel dijak iz Nemčije. Vse lepo in prav, ampak bil je tako aroganten in zaprt v svoj prav. Upam, da nikoli ne postanem taka.

Ni vse popolno, a vendar vzamem le dobre stvari iz vsake izkušnje.

All the love, Ana <3




January. Where do I even start? Let me start with the positive things. In the middle of January I celebrated my birthday. I worked in the salon for nine hours, but I loved it and after work Chris and Jan took me for dinner, and my boyfriend tagged along of course. We went to a vegan restaurant. It wass really good and I had an amazing time. I’m so happy that people close to me get on well with eachother.


Three days after my birthday, Jesse’s mum also had hers, so on saturday in the evening we went out clubbing so celebrate our aging.

In January I also did highlights on a client for the first time. And TWO TIMES, too!


Only T section, but still, progress is seen.č After December, my learning goes on. In the second half of the month I took care of the doll. First I did highlights full head, I cut her hair and they I did a blow-dry as well. Chris was positively surprised.


This month was full of learning new colour techniques … I did a balayage as well. Together with Jan we took care of Chris’s niece Daphne’s hairstyle and colour.


So, as you see, I had a month full of gaining new knowledge and new experiences. I only had one problem. There came a German student to the salon for three weeks, Everything good and nice, but he was so arrogant and close minded. I hope I never become like this.

Not everything is perfect, but am trying to get the best out of everything.

All the love, Ana <3