S tem blogom pa že kar malo zaostajam, kajne? Sem mislila, da bi napisala le par besed, ampak december je bil mesec poln prelepih doživetij in ljubezni.

Ljudje na Malti, še posebej v salonu kjer delam, kar naenkrat oživijo, ko se prične ta mesec. Prinašajo darila, bombonijere, šale, šampone, torbice … V tem mesecu dobiš nešteto objemov in poljubčkov, kar je meni čisto všeč. Mislim, da sem v tem letu dobila več daril kot pa v vseh letih doma. 😀

V sredini meseca so se moje sostanovalke poslovile in v stanovanju sem ostala sama. Ne bom lagala, pogrešam jih. Močno. V stanovanju sem ostala sama kar za tri tedne. V nedeljo pred Božičem pa sem pekla doma. Naredila sem POTICO!

Božični prazniki, pa so res bili prazniki kot se spodobi. Na božično noč sem šla skupaj s prijateljem k polnočnici. Odkar pojem v zboru še raje hodim k maši. Bilo je posebno in čutno.

Božični dan pa sem preživela s šefom Chrisom, Janom in njuno družino. Bil je najboljši Božični dan kar sem jih kadarkoli doživela. (Oprostite starša, bratje in sestre) Po druženju pa sem se zopet malo podružila s prijateljem Jessejem, ki je šel k maši z menoj. Na kratko povedano, od takrat ni več le prijatelj. 😀

December je bil res magičen. Le brez snega. 😉

Ana <3



I’m quite late with this blog, ey? I thought of only writing a couple of words, but december was full of beautiful things and love.

People in Malta, especially in the salon I work in, they suddenly start living when this month starts. They are bringing gifts, chocolates, scarfs, bags, shampoos … In this month you get a lot of hugs and kisses, which is fine by me. I think I got more gifts in this year than in my whole life before. 😀

In the middle of this month my flatmates went back home. Not gonna lie, I miss them A LOT! I was alone in the flat for three weeks. On sunday before Christmas I was baking at home. I made a POTICA! (Slovenian traditional celebratory dish) (Look the picture above)

Christmas holidays, were the holidays as they should be. On Christmas Eve I went for a midnight mass with my friend. Since I started singing in the choir I love going to mass even more. It was special and nice felt.

TheChristmas day I spent with my boss Chris, Jan and their family. It was the best Christmas I’ve ever experienced. (Sorry parents, brothers and sisters) After the meeting, I met again with my friend Jesse, the one that went to mass with me. Long story short, he’s not just a friend anymore 😀

December was magical. But without the snow. 😉

Ana <3